Policies and Procedures
Our handbook serves as a start in fulfilling our responsibility in providing you with the kind of helpful information that will assist you in building a strong educational foundation for your child. Please use this handbook as a resource during the year, and let us know how we can improve it in the future, as it is a work in progress.
Important Highlights
Attendance Policy
At KECSS, we believe there is a direct connection between students’ consistent attendance in class and their academic success.
Students whose overall attendance falls below 90% at any point in the year are considered chronically absent, and means they have missed 18 days or more of school. This is the equivalent to missing more than three total weeks of instruction.
If a student’s attendance rate falls below 90%, they will not be allowed to attend or participate in any extracurricular activities, included, but not limited to:
School trips during the day, after school, or on weekends
Plays, shows, campus sports games, and other extra-curricular activities
SENIOR ACTIVITIES (applies to 8th and 12th grade students) Including, but not limited to: Senior day trips, overnight trips, prom, barbecues, movie nights, senior breakfasts, carnivals, paint nights, etc.
Lateness Policy
If a student is late to school 10 or more times per semester (September-January and then February – June), they will not be allowed to attend or participate in any extracurricular activities for the remainder of that semester, included, but not limited to:
School trips during the day, after school, or on weekends
Plays, shows, campus sports games, and other extra-curricular activities
Requirements for Enrollment in College Courses
In order to set higher expectations for their incoming freshmen, CUNY and SUNY senior colleges have changed their acceptance requirements. Therefore, to be enrolled in their junior year college courses at KECSS, students must:
take and pass, at minimum, a three-year sequence of math including Common Core Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2
take and pass the Common Core Algebra and Geometry Regents, and attain a score of 70 or higher one of them
take and pass the Algebra 2 course
pass the English Language Arts Regent with a 75 or higher
To keep families informed of changes to policies and requirements for high school students, KECSS mandates informational meetings throughout students’ high school experience. Parents/guardians of high school students must attend these meetings in order for their child to be enrolled in the following semester’s college courses. Information about dates, times, and topics of these meetings is sent home via letters and School Messenger throughout the year.
Additional policies regarding college course enrollment are listed in our Handbook, linked above.
Requirements for Continued Enrollment in College Courses
As an Early College School, our program is designed to afford students an opportunity to earn college credits by being enrolled in courses through our partnership with Kingsborough Community College. Part of remaining eligible to participate in the program is by demonstrating appropriate college-readiness behavior, and students may be dropped from the program at any time for demonstrating intimidating, violent, and/or aggressive behavior towards other students or staff.
Please note that this includes students being involved in any altercations off school grounds, as we cannot guarantee that the altercations and disruptive behavior will not continue on school grounds and/or the college campus, and we will not jeopardize our college program over this unacceptable behavior.
If any student engages in intimidating, violent, and/or aggressive behavior, they may be immediately be dropped from our college program with no exceptions.